Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Taking that first step

Today I'm thinking a lot about the first time I sent off a manuscript to a publisher, something like fifteen years ago. What's the line from Dune—"beginnings are such delicate times"? Beginnings are also full of mistakes. That novel (never published) was 180,000 words long, in first person, from the viewpoint of a naive young woman exiled on another world. Fresh and new and riveting stuff—I thought. The publisher disagreed.

Today I'm thinking a lot about the first time I queried an agent. What a trembling letter I wrote. I think she felt a bit sorry for me; I've read rejections that were less kind.

Today I'm also thinking about the day I opened a padded envelope from Ace Books, and the first copy of The Hidden Worlds slid out into my hand. Beginnings are hard, but getting through them can get you where you want to go.

So here's another beginning. I've been on the Web in various communities for many years, but I'd never considered blogging—until this past year.

For years, writing was something I did for myself and my critique group—always with the idea of marketing and eventually being published, of course, but that was safely remote. My life was so busy, with work and family and house and yard—and whatever else I could come up with. Surely nobody would expect me to do more, to try harder, to take that next step. To face up to, you know . . . the scary part.

Then through an odd series of events, I did take that step: I sold two novels. The Hidden Worlds was published last year; The Cold Minds comes out on June 24. There will be a third book in the series in 2009.

When Hidden Worlds was published, I discovered that writing actually is communication. I had readers! I had reviews, opinions, mentions in blogs, puzzled comments from older relatives, indulgent approval from my teenaged children.

But something was missing; a door was still closed. Readers couldn't talk to me. I couldn't answer back.

This blog is meant to open that door. I don't know whether anyone will walk through, but here it is.

Once a week or so (I'm on a deadline, and happy to be, but it does use up the days!) I will post something new. Maybe I'll start with that odd series of events I just mentioned. . . .

Welcome to Otherspace!


Heather Massey said...

Hi there, and good luck in all of your ventures!

Kristin Landon said...

Thanks, Heather!

Stop by again!

Anonymous said...

My Hubby and I both enjoyed Hidden Worlds very much. We are hoping to find Cold Minds on cd for our trip to Oregon.

Kristin Landon said...

Thanks very much, Rhonda! I'm glad you both enjoyed Hidden Worlds.

Cold Minds, alas, is not available on CD at this point. But I know you'll still have a great trip—you're coming to Oregon, after all!